It’s Slow, but it’s Growth

The Second Estimate of Q2 GDP, released on August 29 shows slow, continued growth in many areas, although there isn’t too much to remark on in the current release. The revision for GDP was up, 1.7% from 1.5%. Consumption was revised up the same, from 1.5% to 1.7%, led by an increase in the revision of services, from 1.9% to 2.4%. The graph below plots real GDP comparing this recession and recovery to past ones. A major theme of this blog is that to get an accurate snapshot of where the US economic recovery is, it is necessary to have a benchmark with which to compare. The graphs we present use the comparison of past cycles to guide our understanding of the current economic environment.

Many have commented on the slow growth coming out of the recession and that commentary is likely using the above comparison. Indeed this last recession and the current recovery stand out compared to any seen since the Great Depression. So, comparing against past recessions and recoveries is one way to put things into perspective. Certainly the crisis that struck the world at the end of 2007 and beginning of 2008 was unprecedented, save for the Great Depression. Not only in causes and scope, but also in its global reach. An interesting comparison might be to look at how several European countries have fared relative to the U.S. Each country felt the crisis in different ways and responded in different ways, leading to different outcomes. The graph below shows the percentage change of real GDP from the peak of the business cycle in Europe (2008 Q1) and the U.S. (2007 Q4).

In this perspective the US hasn’t fared so badly. The depth of the recession in the US was not as bad as that felt in Germany, Italy, or the UK. In terms of recovery, the US is on pace with Germany, around 2 percentage points above peak level. In fact, Germany is the only EU country pictured that has positive output growth, while the rest remain stagnant or are actually falling. The point here is that maybe, just maybe, the U.S. and Germany are doing as well as can be expected given the global environment. And yes, we always want more and we want it faster…but it might not be realistic.

Below we present a snapshot of the current recovery in terms of consumption, investment, government spending, exports and imports.
Continue reading “It’s Slow, but it’s Growth”

Snapshot – The July Employment Report and Unemployment Scenarios for November

Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 163,000 (the median forecast was around 100,000) in July after increasing a revised 64,000 in June and 87,000 in May. The unemployment rate edged up from 8.2% to 8.3%. This increase was in spite of a decrease in labor force participation which decreased from 63.8% to 63.7% and reflected another downward tick in the employment population ratio. Participation is now at historically low levels.

In our last snapshot of the labor market, we used the Atlanta Fed’s Jobs Calculator to evaluate some likely scenarios of the state of the labor market come the November elections. The job’s calculator in essence does some back of the envelope calculations on what the monthly jobs number needs to average to reach a certain unemployment rate at a specified point in the future.

After this morning’s July release, there will be only 3 additional months of data until people enter the voting booths in November. Employment gains are typically slightly higher in September and October than in the summer months, so if we are optimistic that employment will continue to increase by the same amount as it did in July, that would indicate that, by November, the unemployment rate will drop to around 7.92%. Sounds optimistic? It probably is.

This assumes that the labor force participation rate will remain historically low (at 63.7%). Since the peak of the business cycle in 2007 Q4, labor force participation has decreased by 2.3 percentage points (66% to 63.7%). That decrease is partly to attributed to long term demographic changes like the aging of the baby boomers. But a part of that decrease is certainly attributable to cyclical factors.  A large number of discouraged workers (those who would like to work, but have given up searching) still remain in the pool of people out of the labor force. The decisions of these workers  to begin searching for a job and enter the labor force is an important determinant of the unemployment rate.  Here are some other scenarios for November with different levels of the participation rate (assuming monthly job gains will be around 170,000).

  • If the labor force participation stays at 63.7%, the unemployment rate in November will be around 7.9%.
  • If the labor force participation increases to 63.9%, the unemployment rate in November will be around 8.2%.
  • If the labor force participation increases to 64%, the unemployment rate in November will be around 8.35%.
  • If the labor force participation increases to 64.1%, the unemployment rate in November will be around 8.48%.

As you can see small swings in the participation rate have large consequences for the unemployment rate  in November.

The Recovery in the Rearview Mirror and Discouraging News About Q2

The first report on second quarter real GDP growth was largely as expected after many weak signals. Real GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.5% in the second quarter of 2012. Annual benchmark revisions show growth rates of 2.0% (was 1.9%) in Q1 and 4.1% (was 3.0%) in Q4 of 2011. The overall path of the expansion is somewhat weaker as a result, with revisions dating back to 2009 showing 2010 revised down (now 2.4% was 3.0%) with nearly offsetting upward revisions for 2009 (now -3.1%) was -3.5%) and 2011 (now 1.8% was 1.7%).

Revision highlights and low lights

While the revisions did little to the overall path of the recovery, there were some interesting and large revisions to the components. As an example, nonresidential investment and investment in structures saw large upward revisions in growth rates over the past several quarters.

                            Q2 11  Q3 11  Q4 11  Q1 12 
  Nonresidential..........  14.5   19.0    9.5    7.5
   Previously published..   10.3   15.7    5.2    3.1
    Structures............  35.2   20.7   11.5   12.9
      Previously published  22.6   14.4    -.9    1.9

In spite of the stronger picture for these series, there were downward revisions to investment in equipment and software. For this reason it is useful to have a complete picture of the revisions to see how extensive they can be. We present this below.

The most important part of this data release are the preliminary estimates for second quarter GDP and its components. These suggest a weakening and possibly faltering recovery.  Consumption of non-durables increased only very slightly and consumption of durables declined after a strong first quarter rebound that helped the auto sector.  Both exports and imports increased compared to the first quarter.
The evidence suggests that the situation in Europe where most of the economies are contracting again and the slowdown in the emerging margins of Asia are having an effect on the U.S. recovery.  The lengthy contraction in employment is a potent of how severe our “growing pains” are.

In a departure from our standard presentation, we show the revisions explicitly in the following graphs so you can see how the picture of the recovery changes with better information. The magnitude of the revisions raise the question of whether markets overreact to preliminary information about the recovery….or is it simply the business press who over react?

Continue reading “The Recovery in the Rearview Mirror and Discouraging News About Q2”

Snapshot – The June Employment Report

The latest Employment Situation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows non-farm payroll employment increased by 80,000 jobs in June. Note that prior payrolls were revised down for April (from +77,000 to +68,000) but up in May (from +69,000 to +77,000). The meager gain was fairly broad-based, both goods producing and service producing employment increased. Professional and business services posted the largest gain, +47,000 with more than half (25,200) coming from temporary help services. The decline in Government employment moderated a bit, declining by 4,000 jobs. Further, there was also a setback in the diffusion index (that measures the percent of industries with expanding employment plus one half of the industries with no change) from 59.8 to 57.9–after two months of consecutive increases.

Snapshot – JOLTS, Vacancies, and Hires

Are all jobless recoveries alike?

On Tuesday, the BLS released information on job openings, hires, and separations in April as reported in the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. The job openings rate (the number of aggregate vacancies divided by total employment plus vacancies) decreased to 2.5% from 2.7% and the rate of hires (total hires divided by total employment) also decreased to 3.1% from 3.3%; two signs that the labor market is still having a difficult time recovering.

The JOLTS survey provides a more complete view of what comprises changes in total employment reported in the Employment Situation. The relationship between job openings and vacancies tells us to what extent employment growth is being affected by labor demand. If job openings and hires are growing at the same rate, then the counter-factual would be that hires could grow even faster if only there were more demand (job openings).  Payroll employment increased by 77,000 in April (revised down from 115,000), a number that was seen to be far away from what is needed to bring the unemployment rate back down to pre-recession levels, and the numbers today highlight a little what is behind the constantly weak employment reports.

As we do elsewhere in the blog, the graphs below compare the path of both job openings and hires in the 2001 cycle versus the current one from the peak. Data only permits looking at the last two cycles, both of which have been characterized as having a particularly slow recovery in employment (popularly coined ‘Jobless Recoveries’). Looking at JOLTS openings and hires, both of these series seem to track each other fairly closely, at least from the peak. In this regard, one would be led to believe that whatever mechanism is causing the slow response of employment must have been present in both cycles, or that all jobless recoveries are made alike.

Continue reading “Snapshot – JOLTS, Vacancies, and Hires”

Warning Signs! First Quarter GDP Revisions and Disastrous May Jobs Report Show a Weakening Economy

The second estimate of GDP for the first quarter of 2012 and its components shows a much weaker economy than previously thought. After robust growth in real GDP at an annual rate of 3% in the fourth quarter of 2011 the economy slowed markedly to a 1.9% rate in the first quarter. Most of the change was due to downward revisions to state and local government spending and to personal consumption, particularly durables. These were somewhat offset by upward revisions to non-residential fixed investment and exports.

The somewhat negative report from the BEA was reinforced by the Institute for Supply Management’s release of the Purchasing Managers Index, a closely watched barometer of manufacturing activity. It showed a sharp decline to its lowest level since 2009.

Continue reading “Warning Signs! First Quarter GDP Revisions and Disastrous May Jobs Report Show a Weakening Economy”

Snapshot – Labor Market Update: The April Employment Report

Welcome to the Cooley-Rupert Economic Snapshot, our view of the current economic environment. This is the latest version of our snapshot of the U.S. Economy based on the new employment numbers released on Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The complete Snapshot based on the preliminary estimates of first quarter GDP from the Bureau of Economic Analysis can be found in our previous post.

As in all of our snapshots we present the data in a way that we find particularly useful for assessing where we are in the business cycle and tracking the U.S. economic recovery. The paths of all the series presented are plotted relative to their value at the peak of the respective business cycles. We use the business cycle dates identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

You can also find the most recent version of the entire snapshot in pdf form here. As always we welcome any suggestions for additional data that you would like to see and suggestions for how to improve the presentation of the data.

A Disappointing and Sluggish Labor Market

The latest Employment Situation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows non-farm payroll employment rose by a only 115,000 jobs in April. This was very disappointing compared to 154,000 jobs added in March (a slight upward revision) and an average of over 250,000 jobs per month for the prior three months. This will provide little updraft to the stagnant labor market. The number unemployed ticked down slightly to 12.5 million but the unemployment rate remained essentially unchanged at 8.1% because the labor force participation rate trended down further to 63.6%. In twelve months roughly 2.7 million people have left the labor force. Many economists have been hoping the labor market would add about 210,000 jobs consistent with the trend earlier this year.  For comparison, as we did last month, we plot employment as reported by ADP, an association of payroll processors. Many observers view this as a useful early indicator of the BLS numbers.
Continue reading “Snapshot – Labor Market Update: The April Employment Report”

Snapshot – 2012 Q1 GDP (Advance Estimate)

Welcome to the Cooley-Rupert Economic Snapshot, our view of the current economic environment. This is the latest version of our snapshot of the U.S. Economy based on the preliminary first quarter data on National Income and Product from the Bureau of Economic Analysis as well as the March Employment Situation released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. As in previous snapshots we present the data in a way that we find particularly useful for assessing where we are in the business cycle and tracking the U.S. economic recovery. The paths of all the series presented are plotted relative to the their value at the peak of the respective business cycles. We use the business cycle dates identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

We present the data in four sections. The first summarizes the path of Gross Domestic Product and its components. We also include the most recent labor market data and the summary of activity in credit markets. The final section summarizes the features of industrial production and inflation.

As always we welcome any suggestions for additional data that you would like to see and suggestions for how to improve the presentation of the data. Click here to go to the latest snapshot in one pdf document. Or, read on–

Lackluster GDP Growth

This morning’s advance estimate for GDP for the first quarter of 2012 reveals annual growth of 2.2%. After a 3.0% annualized growth rate in the fourth quarter, expectations were in the 2.2 to 2.5% range. The biggest contributors to the increase were personal consumption expenditures (PCE), up 2.9% at an annual rate, contributing about 2.0 percentage points to the overall increase. Durable goods consumption increased 15.3%, the second consecutive quarter of double-digit growth, and contributed 1.13 percentage points to the overall increase. Residential structures investment also has seen double-digit increases in consecutive quarters, up 19.1% this quarter after increasing 11.6% in the previous quarter. Nonresidential structures, -12.0%, and government, -3.0%, were the only negatives to be found, see BEA’s Table 1 for details.

Continue reading “Snapshot – 2012 Q1 GDP (Advance Estimate)”

Snapshot – The March Employment Report

Welcome to the Cooley-Rupert Economic Snapshot, our view of the current economic environment. This is the latest version of our snapshot of the U.S. Economy based on the new employment numbers released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The complete Snapshot based on the latest revisions to fourth quarter GDP from the Bureau of Economic Analysis can be found in our previous post.

As in all of our snapshots we present the data in a way that we find particularly useful for assessing where we are in the business cycle and tracking the U.S. economic recovery. The paths of all the series presented are plotted relative to their value at the peak of the respective business cycles. We use the business cycle dates identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

You can also find the most recent version of the entire snapshot in pdf form here. As always we welcome any suggestions for additional data that you would like to see and suggestions for how to improve the presentation of the data.

The Labor Market

The latest Employment Situation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows non-farm payroll employment rose by a disappointing 120,000 jobs in March. Prior payrolls were revised down  for January (-9,000) and up for February (+13,000). Many economists had expected the labor market to add about 210,000 jobs, having witnessed three consecutive months of 200,000+ increases, averaging 246,000 per month. The total number of unemployed persons remained essentially constant at 12.7 million and the unemployment rate ticked down slightly to 8.2%. The labor force participation rate ticked down to  63.8%, as did the employment to population ratio, falling to 58.5% from 58.6% in February. For comparison, as we did last month, we plot employment as reported by ADP, an association of payroll processors. Many observers view this as a useful early indicator of the BLS numbers.
Continue reading “Snapshot – The March Employment Report”

Update: Final Revisions to Fourth Quarter GDP

Welcome to the Cooley-Rupert Economic Snapshot, our view of the current economic environment. This is the latest version of our snapshot of the U.S. Economy based on the final revisions to fourth quarter data on National Income and Product from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. As in previous snapshots we present the data in a way that we find particularly useful for assessing where we are in the business cycle and tracking the U.S. economic recovery. The paths of all the series presented are plotted relative to the their value at the peak of the respective business cycles. We use the business cycle dates identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

We present the data in four sections. The first summarizes the path of Gross Domestic Product and its components. This post primarily updates GDP and its components based on preliminary estimates of fourth quarter activity from the BEA. We also include the most recent labor market data and the summary of activity in credit markets. The final section summarizes the features of industrial production and inflation.

As always we welcome any suggestions for additional data that you would like to see and suggestions for how to improve the presentation of the data. Click here to go to the latest snapshot in one pdf document. Or, read on

Final Fourth Quarter GDP Revisions

The third and final estimate of GDP and its components confirms that real GDP grew at an annual rate of 3% in the fourth quarter of 2011. While there was no change in the total, there were changes to the components of GDP that roughly offset each other. Personal consumption expenditures on goods were revised up further from 4.9% to 5.4% annual growth. Growth in services, however, was revised down further from 0.7% to 0.4% and continues to drag down growth in total consumption. It remains at least 5 percentage points below where its path should be compared to “typical” previous cycles and is showing signs of slowing down. Gross private investment was revised upward to 22.1% from 20.6%. Notably, growth in nonresidential structures was revised up to -0.9% from -2.6% in the ‘second’ estimate and -7.2% in the preliminary estimate.

Continue reading “Update: Final Revisions to Fourth Quarter GDP”